



The effects of recreational drugs on health and behaviour



  • Drugs

    A drug is a substance that alters the way your body works. The two main groups of drugs are:


    • Medicinal drugs – Used to treat, prevent or diagnose a wide range of conditions and diseases, and are typically prescribed by a healthcare professional.
    • Recreational drugs – Used for pleasure or enjoyment, and are not typically prescribed for any medical purpose.


    Medicinal drugs

    Medicines are drugs that help people who are in pain or sick. These drugs are prescribed by doctors to help reduce symptoms and improve overall health and well-being.
    There are many different types of medicinal drugs, each designed to treat specific conditions or diseases. Some common examples include:


    • Painkillers
    • Antibiotics
    • Vaccines


    Recreational drugs

    Recreational drugs are drugs that people take because they like how they feel. Some recreational drugs are allowed, like tobacco and alcohol. However, there are restrictions on who can buy them. Coffee has caffeine, which is another recreational drug. Most other recreational drugs are illegal, and these include cannabis, ecstasy and heroin. Some people use medicines for fun, not for health. This is when they become illegal.

    Illegal drugs are put into groups from Class A to Class C. Class A drugs are very dangerous, and you can get in big trouble for having or selling them. Class C drugs are less dangerous, but you can still get in trouble for them. And they are not safe to use. Most recreational drugs can make you addicted.
    Any drug that is misused can cause serious damage to your body, as well as personal and social problems. Using a needle and syringe that someone else has used may lead to a number of diseases from infected blood.

    Recreational drugs are often classified as stimulants or depressants.


  • Stimulants

    A stimulant is a type of drug that affects the central nervous system. It speeds up the messages between the brain and the body. But stimulant drugs can also cause problems. Some of these are increased heart rate and blood pressure, trouble sleeping, and irritability. Using stimulants for a long time can lead to physical and mental issues, such as heart problems, sleep problems, and mood problems.

    Some legal stimulants are:


    • Nicotine, which is in tobacco products
    • Caffeine, which is in coffee and some soft drinks


    Some illegal stimulants include cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines. They make you feel more energetic and confident, but they can damage the liver and heart. They can also cause loss of memory and concentration, and bring an increased risk of mental health issues.



    Depressants are drugs that slow down the central nervous system and reduce the speed of messages between the brain and the body. This can affect how well a person can focus, move, and react.

    Depressants can make a person feel relaxed and calm in small doses, but using too much or using them often can harm their judgment and movement. When mixed with other substances, such as alcohol or other depressants, the effects can be stronger. However, this mix can also raise the chance of overdose or death.
    Alcohol, also called ethanol, is an example of a legal depressant for adults over 18. It is the main ingredient that makes alcoholic drinks work and can be found in beer, wine, and spirits.

    Heroin is an example of an illegal depressant. Some people also inhale solvents and gases, such as glue and aerosols, to get high, but this is very dangerous and can damage the liver, brain and cause death. It is against the law to sell these products to someone who intends to inhale them.

    Common effects of depressants include:


    • slower thinking and movement
    • reduced inhibitions
    • distorted perception or hallucinations


    Depressants can also harm the body in the long term, affecting the liver, brain and heart.



    Painkillers are medicines that help reduce pain without treating the cause of it. Some painkillers are paracetamol and aspirin, which can help with headaches and sore throats.

    Painkillers can make you feel better, but it is important to find out why you have pain and get the right treatment. It’s also important to follow the directions when taking painkillers to avoid possible harm.



    Using both medical and recreational drugs over and over can cause addiction. The person with an addiction will rely on the drug so much that they will need it to feel normal.

    When a person who is addicted cannot get the drug, they may have a lot of bad symptoms, which are called withdrawal symptoms. These can affect both the body and the mind, and how bad the withdrawal is depends on the drug and how much the person depends on it.




    • Recreational drugs can have seriously effects on your behaviour and health.
    • Some recreational drugs are legal and others are illegal.


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